Selasa, 03 Januari 2012


1.1 Teaching Speaking

           According to Hornby (1995: 37) teaching means giving the instruction to (a person): give a person (knowledge skill, etc). While speaking means to make use of words in an ordinary voice. So, teaching speaking is giving instruction to a person in order to communicate.
Tarigan (1990: 3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life, which is preceded by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned. It means that speaking is the basic language. The goal of teaching speaking skills is to communicate efficiency.
Teaching speaking, in my opinion, is the way for students to express their emotions, communicative needs, interact to other person in any situation, and influence the others. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech.

2.1 Definition of Speaking
According to Grognet A.G (136:1997) Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. Speaking is an essential tool for communicating.
Hornby (1995: 37) defines that speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations. It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his/her ability to speak fluently and comprehensively. So, as teachers, we have a responsibility to prepare the students as much as possible to be able to speak in English in the real world outside the classroom.

2.2 Characteristics of Successful Speaking Activities                                    
(Brown, 2001: 270).says, spoken language is easy to perform, but in some cases it is difficult, In order that they can carry out the successful speaking, they must have some characteristics of successful speaking activity such as:
1)      Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allocated to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses.
2)      Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or they want to contribute to achieve a task objective.
3)      Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easy comprehensible to teach other and of acceptable level of language accuracy.
2.3 Instructions to teach speaking
There are some instructions to teach speaking consist of :
1)      Pair students up when doing a speaking activity. This often makes students feel more comfortable and not too self-conscious of their language abilities.
2)      Give a time limit with most speaking activities. Ten minutes is the maximum for most activities. Gradually, aim for activities that involve more of a dialogue and interaction based on authentic topics. z.
3)      Start with a very small activity and then work your way up. Brainstorming is a good activity for all levels because each student can participant at the level s/he feels comfortable with. Wherever possible use lots of pictures especially for lower level performing students or very young students.

3. Conclusion
Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English. Speaking is an essential tool for communicating. For the teacher of English speaking, who are going to apply teaching speaking should be responsible to pay attention to some instructions to relate their teaching material to the real experience.
So that the students can connect their speaking ability and experience in their daily


Hornby. 1995.Definition of Speaking skill .New York: publisher.
Grognet. A.G.1997. Definition of Speaking skill .providence:jamastown publisher.
Van Duzer. C. 1993. Introduce to teach speaking .new jerzel:printice hall.
Brown. 2001. Characteristic of successful speaking york:Cambridge University press.
(http.www.How to Teach Speaking Activities to ESL Students /  eslstudents.html#ixzz18uBP8hmr  accesed on 27 december 2010)


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